Government Affairs

The Government Affairs arm of the Chamber is dedicated to ensuring the Norman business community’s voice is heard on the municipal, county, state and federal levels. It is our mission to work with government officials to craft policy that allows businesses every opportunity to succeed and amend those policies that may be detrimental to the business climate.
We seek to be a consistent, proactive force in the community providing policy research, issue advocacy, and political access for our members.
We educate members on relevant issues and advocate for a pro-business agenda in public policy via City Council forums, the annual Legislative Breakfast, the annual Legislative Lunch, the annual Washington D.C. Fly-in, IMPACT Norman enewsletter, in statements of support, and in facilitating member outreach to elected officials.

As part of the Chamber’s mission to represent and advocate for our members, we developed IMPACT Norman, a monthly enewsletter that provides our members with an update on policy, election, and regulatory happenings throughout all levels of government. We also visit with community and governmental leaders who are impacting your business in our monthly “Chamber Chat” videos, and we equip you with the knowledge of how to properly engage your elected officials.
As critical decisions are being made, whether it’s at city hall, the courthouse, state house, or U.S. Capitol, we want you to know that your Norman Chamber is fighting for you and your business!